Sprout uses a dynamic and flexible color system to develop unexpected and relatable brand experiences with intention.
Foundational Palette
Sprout's foundational colors are utilized as the base for most backgrounds, text, and borders as grounding elements in Sprout's visual language.
These values provide intentional simplicity and accessibility throughout communications.
- Neutral 1100
- Hex: #040404
- RGB: 4, 4, 4
- CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 98%
- Neutral 000
- Hex: #FFFFFF
- RGB: 255, 255, 255
- CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 0%
Background gray
- Neutral 100
- Hex: #f3f4f4
- RGB: 243, 244, 244
- CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 4%
Border gray
- Neutral 200
- Hex: #dee1e1
- RGB: 222, 225, 225
- CMYK: 1%, 0%, 0%, 12%
Medium gray
- Neutral 700
- Hex: #515e5f
- RGB: 81, 94, 95
- CMYK: 15%, 1%, 0%, 63%
Core Palette
The core palette captures Sprout's evolution while staying true to its roots. The strategic blend of green, a color with enduring brand recognition, and the infusion of blue, symbolizing Sprout's authority and trust in the tech industry, effectively reshapes the notion of "core Sprout”.
These values should be used consistently across various brand applications to establish a strong and recognizable brand expression.
- Teal 1000
- Hex: #083f3f
- RGB: 8, 63, 63
- CMYK: 87%, 0%, 0%, 75%
- Teal 900
- Hex: #026661
- RGB: 2, 102, 97
- CMYK: 98%, 0%, 5%, 60%
- Green 900
- Hex: #006b40
- RGB: 0, 107, 64
- CMYK: 100%, 0%, 40%, 58%
- Green 300
- Hex: #98e58e
- RGB: 152, 229, 142
- CMYK: 34%, 0%, 38%, 10%
- Green 000
- Hex: #ebf9eb
- RGB: 235, 249, 235
- CMYK: 6%, 0%, 6%, 2%
- Blue 1000
- Hex: #0a2960
- RGB: 10, 41, 96
- CMYK: 90%, 57%, 0%, 62%
- Blue 900
- Hex: #0c3f89
- RGB: 12, 63, 137
- CMYK: 91%, 54%, 0%, 46%
- Blue 700
- Hex: #205bc3
- RGB: 32, 91, 195
- CMYK: 84%, 53%, 0%, 24%
- Blue 300
- Hex: #a1c2f8
- RGB: 161, 194, 248
- CMYK: 35%, 22%, 0%, 3%
- Blue 200
- Hex: #c7dbf9
- RGB: 199, 219, 249
- CMYK: 20%, 12%, 0%, 2%
Secondary Palette
Sprout's secondary palette is comprised of jewel tones, accent mid plus light tones, and muted tones all of which are distilled from nature and compliment the distinction and mastery of the Core palette.
When using the Secondary palette, always include a presence of one of the Core colors. These values should be used to grab attention, bring harmony to designs and provide balance to the Foundational and Core palettes.
- Green 500
- Hex: #59cb59
- RGB: 89, 203, 89
- CMYK: 56%, 0%, 56%, 20%
- Teal 500
- Hex: #08c4b2
- RGB: 8, 196, 178
- CMYK: 96%, 0%, 9%, 23%
- Teal 300
- Hex: #7dead5
- RGB: 125, 234, 213
- CMYK: 47%, 0%, 9%, 8%
- Teal 050
- Hex: #CCF1EA
- RGB: 204, 241, 234
- CMYK: 15%, 0%, 3%, 5%
- Yellow 700
- Hex: #dd9903
- RGB: 221, 153, 3
- CMYK: 0%, 31%, 99%, 13%
- Yellow 600
- Hex: #ffbc00
- RGB: 255, 188, 0
- CMYK: 0%, 26%, 100%, 0%
- Yellow 300
- Hex: #ffe16e
- RGB: 255, 225, 110
- CMYK: 0%, 12%, 57%, 0%
- Yellow 100
- Hex: #fdefcd
- RGB: 253, 239, 205
- CMYK: 0%, 6%, 19%, 1%
- Pink 900
- Hex: #931847
- RGB: 147, 24, 71
- CMYK: 0%, 84%, 52%, 42%
- Pink 700
- Hex: #ce3665
- RGB: 206, 54, 101
- CMYK: 0%, 74%, 51%, 19%
- Orange 300
- Hex: #ffb180
- RGB: 255, 177, 128
- CMYK: 0%, 31%, 50%, 0%
- Orange 100
- Hex: #fcdccc
- RGB: 252, 220, 204
- CMYK: 0%, 13%, 19%, 1%
- Magenta 900
- Hex: #6c2277
- RGB: 108, 34, 119
- CMYK: 9%, 71%, 0%, 53%
- Magenta 700
- Hex: #ac44a8
- RGB: 172, 68, 168
- CMYK: 0%, 60%, 2%, 33%
- Magenta 350
- Hex: #EC9AF1
- RGB: 236, 154, 241
- CMYK: 2%, 36%, 0%, 5%
- Purple 200
- Hex: #d8d7f9
- RGB: 216, 215, 249
- CMYK: 13%, 14%, 0%, 2%
Recommended colorways
Sprout's brand color system provides creators with a variety of flexible options to develop compelling and memorable visual communications. These recommended colorways ensure brand consistency and cohesion across all marketing channels while prioritizing accessibility.
The diagram below details how colorways work together to create intentional and balanced designs by combining colors through backgrounds, linework and typography.

Core brand
These recommended colorways should be incorporated across visual communications supporting the consideration and decision phases of the customer journey to build a strong and unified brand experience. When applied across a variety of marketing materials, the consistent application of these colorways ensures a seamless and recognizable brand presence.
- Jade
- B: Jade
- L: Emerald
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Spruce
- B: Spruce
- L: Jade
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Emerald
- B: Emerald
- L: Cactus
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Fern
- B: Fern
- L: Emerald
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
- Mint
- B: Mint
- L: Cactus
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
- Midnight
- B: Midnight
- L: Cobalt
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Sapphire
- B: Sapphire
- L: Midnight
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Cobalt
- B: Cobalt
- L: Cornflower
- H: Snowcap
- C: Snowcap
- Cornflower
- B: Cornflower
- L: Sapphire
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
- Sky
- B: Sky
- L: Cobalt
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
Product focus
Product colorways should be employed across the entirety of the customer journey from awareness through decision when representing specific focuses, features and values of the product. After product adoption, continuing to maintain these colorways in customer onboarding and success communications will contribute to a consistent and visually cohesive post-purchase experience.
- Dark
- B: Tourmaline
- L: Orchid
- H: Periwinkle
- C: Snowcap
- Light
- B: Perwinkle
- L: Orchid
- H: Tourmaline
- C: Onyx
- Dark
- B: Emerald
- L: Cactus
- H: Mint
- C: Snowcap
- Light
- B: Mint
- L: Fern
- H: Emerald
- C: Onyx
- Dark
- B: Almandine
- L: Rose
- H: Apricot
- C: Snowcap
- Light
- B: Apricot
- L: Rose
- H: Almandine
- C: Onyx
- Dark
- B: Midnight
- L: Cobalt
- H: Sky
- C: Snowcap
- Light
- B: Sky
- L: Cobalt
- H: Sapphire
- C: Onyx
- Dark
- B: Jade
- L: Ocean
- H: Mist
- C: Snowcap
- Light
- B: Mist
- L: Jade
- H: Spruce
- C: Onyx
Influencer marketing
- Dark
- B: Marigold
- L: Citrine
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
- Light
- B: Canary
- L: Marigold
- H: Onyx
- C: Onyx
Gradients are extremely versatile in designs, they can be bold or subtle, the focal point or a background texture. Gradients should be strategically incorporated into designs to evoke a sense of depth and dimension, adding a layer of complexity and unexpectedness. Gradients are particularly effective in digital and web design, enhancing user experiences by creating a dynamic transition between colors that draws attention and guides the eye.
Core gradients
Core gradients are our most used gradients in Sprout's design ecosystem.

Product focus gradients
Product focus gradients are built from the product pillar color system and used primarily in spaces to add emphasis to product feature content, and within product images to bring attention to Sprout customers and social media users.
These product focused colorways can be used to build gradients on neutral backgrounds by using Onyx, Background Gray or Snowcap to add depth and dimension. Be mindful of the mood each neutral value conveys.

Tone on Tone Gradients
Monochromatic tone on tone gradients may be used to create subtle depth and dimension within designs and illuminate moments of emphasis.

Example Tone on Tone Gradient Swatches

Human tones
In addition to the brand color system, we also employ the use of specialty human tones for illustration. These colors show our commitment to representing a diverse range of people with unique skin, hair, lip and eye colors. The values blend the authenticity of humanistic tones with the relatable nature of our brand color system.
Humanistic usage
In any situation where we are representing the human form—whether it’s an entire person or just a hand—use of the human tones is strongly recommended. The more representational the human form is in an illustration or graphic element, the more appropriate it is to use the human tones.
Skin color
Base tones work best as skin colors. Be mindful of a base color’s undertones (noted in the value name as Y-yellow, R-red, P-pink or B-blue) when selecting hair, lip, eye and clothing colors. For example, a skin tone with yellow undertones may not pair well with yellow clothing.
Base tones
- br.100
- Hex: #F5D7CD
- RGB: 245, 215, 205
- CMYK: 0%, 12%, 16%, 4%
- by.100
- Hex: #F2CDAE
- RGB: 242, 205, 174
- CMYK: 0%, 15%, 28%, 5%
- br.300
- Hex: #F2BD9E
- RGB: 242, 189, 158
- CMYK: 0%, 22%, 35%, 5%
- bp.300
- Hex: #EAADA4
- RGB: 234, 173, 164
- CMYK: 0%, 26%, 30%, 8%
- bp.500
- Hex: #CE979A
- RGB: 206, 151, 154
- CMYK: 0%, 27%, 25%, 19%
- br.500
- Hex: #CF897C
- RGB: 207, 137, 124
- CMYK: 0%, 34%, 40%, 19%
- bb.500
- Hex: #B58A7C
- RGB: 181, 138, 124
- CMYK: 0%, 24%, 31%, 29%
- by.500
- Hex: #8D6A56
- RGB: 141, 106, 86
- CMYK: 0%, 25%, 39%, 45%
- bb.700
- Hex: #725E5F
- RGB: 114, 94, 95
- CMYK: 0%, 18%, 17%, 55%
- by.700
- Hex: #784F44
- RGB: 120, 79, 68
- CMYK: 0%, 34%, 43%, 53%
Hair color
Hair colors can be selected from base tones, accent tones or the brand color system. Hair color should be visually distinct from the skin color to minimize color vibration. When showing multiple people together in a scene, limit the number of different hair colors to avoid an overly complex color scheme.
Accent tones
- ay.300
- Hex: #F5D58F
- RGB: 245, 213, 143
- CMYK: 0%, 13%, 42%, 4%
- ar.700
- Hex: #B7574B
- RGB: 183, 87, 75
- CMYK: 0%, 52%, 59%, 28%
- ab.900
- Hex: #484D5C
- RGB: 72, 77, 92
- CMYK: 22%, 16%, 0%, 64%
- ap.900
- Hex: #604856
- RGB: 96, 72, 86
- CMYK: 0%, 25%, 10%, 62%
Lip color
Lip tones are pulled from the brand color system and may be used at full saturation or placed on top of the base skin color using a blending mode overlay.
- Neutral 0
- Hex: #6c2277
- RGB: 108, 34, 119
- CMYK: 9%, 71%, 0%, 53%
- Magenta 700
- Hex: #ac44a8
- RGB: 172, 68, 168
- CMYK: 0%, 60%, 2%, 33%
- Magenta 350
- Hex: #EC9AF1
- RGB: 236, 154, 241
- CMYK: 2%, 36%, 0%, 5%
- Pink 900
- Hex: #931847
- RGB: 147, 24, 71
- CMYK: 0%, 84%, 52%, 42%
- Pink 700
- Hex: #ce3665
- RGB: 206, 54, 101
- CMYK: 0%, 74%, 51%, 19%
- Orange 300
- Hex: #ffb180
- RGB: 255, 177, 128
- CMYK: 0%, 31%, 50%, 0%
Eye color
Eye tones for brighter, colored eyes (blues and greens) are pulled from the brand color system. For deeper, neutral eyes (hazels and browns) select from the base tones. However, in most cases because of the scale of the illustration and the people in it, there will be no visible iris and the eye color can simply be drawn as a circle filled in Midnight.
- Green 900
- Hex: #006b40
- RGB: 0, 107, 64
- CMYK: 100%, 0%, 40%, 58%
- Green 300
- Hex: #98e58e
- RGB: 152, 229, 142
- CMYK: 34%, 0%, 38%, 10%
- Teal 1000
- Hex: #083f3f
- RGB: 8, 63, 63
- CMYK: 87%, 0%, 0%, 75%
- Teal 300
- Hex: #7dead5
- RGB: 125, 234, 213
- CMYK: 47%, 0%, 9%, 8%
- Blue 900
- Hex: #0c3f89
- RGB: 12, 63, 137
- CMYK: 91%, 54%, 0%, 46%
- Blue 300
- Hex: #a1c2f8
- RGB: 161, 194, 248
- CMYK: 35%, 22%, 0%, 3%
Product color palette
Common UI
Color finder
Enter a hex color value to find the closest Seeds color token match.